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Vanguard last won the day on September 19 2021

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About Vanguard

  • Birthday 10/15/1987

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  1. * i give a nod as i try and peak into a window npt able to see anything i opt to now speak* 'open the door sir,like my partner said the Secret Service sent us to interview you,c'mon out and talk with us, both the Sheriffs Department, and the Secret Service are working together on this' * i give a low sigh andf look back at jerry* 'you wanna call MCIT or should i?,or should we just try to see if theres a back door or something?'
  2. *its been a fairly quiet shift for me thuss far,aside from doing the whole officer friendly thing assisting our D.A.R.E person with Ajax at a nearby school of which nothing happened aside from my fur missle being utterly bombarded by pets from children after demonstrating his search skills, im up in oxnard and curious and may or may not of been slow rolling wagners way i skim the call in the computer as i key up* "county from 230,may as well mark me on the EDP,was driving by" * i fire off a text to the D.A.R.E cop letting her know ill be late to lunch as i park my durango behind jerrys and head twoards him,following his lead only standing on the oppsite side of the door* 'any contact yet?'
  3. "251 copies. Initiating traffic break on I48 Eastbound just past Custer." *that radio call is my que,i dart around the pckup i tucked behind briefly and before our errant explorer can move, im in his rear view every light i have on the car clear as day as i key up the pa, like HELL im gonna try to muscle an suv twice my weight with a PIT* 'DRIVER OF THE EXPLORER,TAKE THE NEXT EXIT AND PULL OVER DO NOT PASS THE CRUISER INFRONT OF YOU!' * i release the cars PA and key up the radio* "251,from 258,herd him onto the next offramp, id rather not stop em during morning rush hour especially in a low vis unmarked on the highway unless i aint got a choice" *as i make my comment i see the trucks blinker come on,he's either complying or trying to fake me out either way i shoot up a bit and block a potential dart to the left hopeful that the guys just gonna keep this simple as theres not really much of a shoulder on the overpass *
  4. *ive been attempting to do the whole unmarked traffic cop thing like a cop i watch on youtube when i hear the chatter on the radio,251 is basically driving toward me albeit on the freeway but meadowlark elementary, where im parked is close by so i fire up the mustang and pull outta the gas station parking lot i had staged at* central from 258,responding 2-3 minute or so ETA" * i plop the mic in my lap opting to flip the lights on and only blipping the sirens to clear intersections as i key up againapproaching the DeKalb onramp hitting code 3 on my lights as i pull into and subsequently ride the shoulder till i kinda catch up roughly 5 minutes later with my rumber on the sirens as i speak again* '251from 258,im behind you guys coming up now, maybe something like 800 feet away ready to support, currently trailing"* i say as i release the mixc and a few stubborn cars infront finally realize the sirens and lights are comming from me in the unmarked Stang*
  5. ' sounds good,time to bust me some speeders' * i turn and move to head out of parade a big ole grin on my face as i fiunally get my hands on our mustang today*
  6. *fill ins fill ins and more fill ins,finally they end and i can return to my primary shift parking my car i head into the station, hastily change into the traffic uniform and walk into parade pulling up a chair * ' Dempsys finally back, was filling in for patrol on the other shift i probably know oxnard like my own apartment now'
  7. *after a few months off due to family issues, i ease 230 into my spot and myself and Ajax head into the building, i crate him in the office and walk into parade, in a crisp class D uniform, fresh from my time in Maine having needed to help my parents while they recovered from there surgery's as i lean against the back wall*
  8. *after i leave parade and hit up a dunkin for a proper pick me up i key up 230's mic* " county,show 230 available and on duty" * releasing the mic i cruise the streets working on both my cofee and breakfast sandwhich i just grabbed while looking for trouble*
  9. ' yup' * i reply and turn around to leave,heading back to my probably running truck and hit the streets*
  10. *running late cause of a burst pipe at home i finally make it into the city,i rarely drink them but i toss the empty monster can as i enter parade having pounded it down after hitting the vending machine on the way in with ajax sitting in the truck in my spot in the garage * 'here finally'
  11. *text* had a pipe burst at home,plumbers wrapping everything up or will be soon,want me to stop by the station,or just call on duty when i enter ft shannon?
  12. *after having done my report on the challenger ive been doing RADAR near a school zone when i hear the radio crackle* 'YAY more idiots with drivers licenses' * i shut the radar gun off and get back into the sedan as i key the cars mic* "county,you got 251 responding" *opting for a not insanely urgent response,i opt to just flik the lights through the heavily congested intersections,211 will honestly beat me first even if i fly there so why risk a wreck*
  13. 'Sarge! I can see you and the dog. He's been here before, I can tell. What should we do next?’ *thought so,gotcha you sick prick,not jones obviously but the guy were looking for* 'right,look for a game cam,or footprints ,anything like that im heading your way!' *ajax and i move back through the house,after i close the womens window and sliding door back to how they were when we entered and quickly move across the yard when i get to jones i also examine the area* ' ok so you saw us,i only saw you when you stood up,it rained last night so whatever sent the guy left has been diluted but he still will have foorprints,did you finfd any hidden cameras,trail or game cams to be specfic,i know the ones i use i can pull em up on my phone if im near by via bluetooth i just cant wipe there SD'cards without plugging them into a computer or psyically eraseing them on site via the cameras controls,reguardless if we find tracks we get direction of travel,we get that and we might beable to bust this guy tonight,provided we know the times he likes to prowel'
  14. *as we clear the house i keep tumbleing the origional note of the call when we get to the master bedroom i glance out the window*' hey jones,when we exit,do me a favor and go over to those bushs at the end of her yard a sec and tell me what you can see from them in terms of through the bathroom window and her bedroom sliding door,Ajax and i will wait here,see if you can see either of us,call it a hunch as we still gotta finish sweeping her yard too,and the original call notes said the guy was filming her,if i was gonna watch somebody or set a camera up,im a hunter so id camouflage whatever camera id use and at least to me,those shrubs look like they might line up ,what about you?'
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