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Fort Shannon Police Department 1845-1997

Z. Russo


FSPD Early History

The Fort shannon Police department was formed in 1845 as the town watch. As the city of Fort Shannon grew so did its police department. In 1907 the Detective bureau was formed and during prohibition the Bootleggers platoon was formed to prevent the smuggling of alcohol from neighboring canada. In 1940 the FSPD was the first department in the state to experiment with radar. In the 60s they started the civil disturbance unit in response to protests. When the protests of the 60s calmed down a Tactical team was formed in 1974.


FDPD: Shame of the city 1983-1997

In the early 80s the crack epidemic hit the city hard. With the loss of tax base from many long time industries in the county leaving the area or shutting down all together the budget was at a historical low. In 1986 Long time chief Gerald Coriosco aged out and as per department policy had to retire. In response the Mayor of Fort Shannon, Greg Booker attempted to sell the position to the highest bidder instead of appointing a replacement based on aptitude and experience. This would cause significant controversy when it was uncovered in 1990 during Mayor Booker's reelection campaign. In 1988 budget cuts forced the school resource officer program to shutter. The repsonse to this from the Fort Shannon School District was to reform a school security service, Due to budget limitations they were not able to arm the new School Safety department.

In 1990 when it was discovered that Mayor Booker tried to sell the office of Chief of police came to light the then current Chief Roger Marin, Former Deputy Chief of personnel in the Selkirk Police department admitted to the scheme and resigned. All charges were acquitted and he moved into the private sector. Mayor booker won the election but after a federal investigation resigned from office in shame. Charges were filed and he was sentenced to 5 years in Federal Prison. In 1994 a law suit alleged the Hiring Exam in 1993 was racially biased and had to be thrown out. Budget estimates projected the next hiring exam could take place in 1996. However due to the large amounts of retirements the department found that it would have to hire 300 new officers within a year to be able to provide the same level of service.

In January of 1995 Federal oversight started due to poor record keeping and almost no oversight from the city. In June of that year the rank and file officers took a vote of no confidence against the Union head and the interim chief who had been in that position since 1991. In September of 1995 a small academy class was authorized but was far to small make any noticeable difference. In February of 1996 the City approached the County Sheriff Department about doing contract service for the City. In May after three months of negotiations it was decided that after 152 years of service the Fort Shannon Police department would be disbanded. County ERT would make the final call in determining this, After weeks of transition it was determined that the last day of operations for FSPD would be December 31, 1996.During the transition period the SCSD allowed mutual transfers from FSPD following a background investigation and a departmental review.  At 0001 the Last call was made over FSPD radio transferring Law Enforcement coverage to SCSD.  

The last style of Badge used by FSPD. Now Retained in the County Archives


One of the last cars used by FSPD, a 1995 Ford Crown Victoria


Fort Shannon Police car.pdn


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