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Zezinho last won the day on October 13 2023

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  1. "251 copies. Initiating traffic break on I48 Eastbound just past Custer." I activate my sirens and traffic directionals as I move onto the centre lane, slowing down and swerving from side to side as the cars begin slowing down to barely just above a crawl. With everyone nearly stopped, of course he'd take the hard shoulder. So I made sure to swerve all the way to the right, obstructing his way. He approaches slowly, being nearly trapped and forced to go slow.
  2. "Traffic units respond to a Reckless driver on I 48 last seen west of the Dekalb st intersection headed towards I 484. Caller states its going to be a black ford expedition, Caller states that the vehicle is weaving between lanes and has bounced off a guard rail. No further information." I proceed with turning on my lights after the call comes out. I happened to be driving along the Broad Street Bridge as I take the mic and hold onto the PTT saying "251 to County, enroute code 3, ETA 1 1/2 minutes." Passing the Broad St. Bridge, I turn right onto First Street North and manage to hear a scraping noise from the highway, the suspect's vehicle being on the highway now headed east. I then begin heading eastbound as I now activate the Wail siren. I remain on the road for about 30 seconds, maintaining speeds of 60-70mph. I then slow down to a near stop as I indicate to turn left on Custer St., which I proceed to do after the traffic stops for me to pass. Then, going up along Custer, I take an on-ramp onto the I-48, slowing down and moving along the hard shoulder as I radio in again. "251 County, Suspect heard heading eastbound. I'm about 600 feet ahead of him. Requesting permission to initiate traffic break. Traffic speeds around 50mph."
  3. "Aye aye." I finish my coffee and stand up, throwing the cup in the bin as I fix my tie and prepare to gather my stuff.
  4. "Sound good, cap'n." I nod as I stand up and promptly exit the parade room after the briefing is done.
  5. Heading in just before the Lt. enters the room, I make my signature move of sitting in the back and waiting.
  6. I slide in with a Starbucks small coffee cup in hand, finding myself a nice spot at the front and sitting down, sipping slowly as I look up and over to the door, waiting.
  7. I head in after Allen and head to the back.
  8. I head in and find myself a seat at the front.
  9. As I inch closer to the location I cut whatever other lights I have on except for my headlights. I eventually approach the intersection Broad and 12th St. N., now proceeding to activate the spotlight as I turn it, shining it onto the kid dressed as a goblin. I then activate my lights on Stage 2 before pulling over to the side of the road. The kid lowers a carton of eggs and sets it on the floor. I kill the spotlight but activate the takedown lights as I grab the mic. "201 ERT, show me on-scene." I attach the mic back onto the center console as I swing open my car's front left door, climbing out then closing it afterwards. The kid seems to move around frantically, as if he were doing an impression of a crazy goblin.
  10. I see the call pop up in my MDT and figure that I could probably handle it, given that I'm close enough. I grab my mic and hold onto the PTT. "201 ERT show me enroute, ETA 2½ minutes." I pull out of the parking lot I was stopped at, flicking on my headlights as I begin driving toward the listed address.
  11. I head out of the house and take off my gloves as I approach my cruiser and swing open the driver's side door, sliding inside. I then close it and grab the mic attached to the center console as I hold onto the PTT. "201 ERT, show me back on patrol" I then drive off of the scene.
  12. 'Keep watch on him, I'm going to see how Wentz and the new guy are doing.' Hearing Hawke, I nod and head inside the room she just left as I keep watch over the guy, holding onto my belt and remaining quiet for the time being.
  13. I spot the strange folk and begin wondering where they're from. Maybe they're from another station? Wherever they're from, I hope none of them are state troopers. Or worse. Federal agents. Regardless, I greet them back and introduce myself. 'Deputy Blart here. Nice to meet you lot, where y'all from?'
  14. I pull up to the address in my red Crown Vic, placing my car in neutral and activating the handbrake as I get out and head up to the door, knocking. I know that I'm wearing, perhaps, the best costume for this entire party. 'Open up!'
  15. I reach into my vest as I put my gloves on, beginning to inspect the damage dealt as I take pictures of what I saw being damaged and taking note of the items and potential charges. Gettysburg shirt, Todd Mischief, hockey stick Potential unreported additional damages AC/DC shirt guy, Steve Mischief, burning civil war uniform Mischief, smashing portrait Potential unreported additional damages After finishing my notes, I head over to Cpl. Hawke with my notes and handing her over a copy of both of their offenses. I also do the same thing for Cpl. Wentz. Afterwards, I leave the room as to not stir up the scene any more than it already is.
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