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Saratoga State and Shiloh County


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ERT-RPG Takes place in the fictional state of Saratoga, in the county of Shiloh, primarily played in the cities of Fort Shannon, Delmore and Oxnard. Saratoga is located in the North East of the United States, situated in the real world state of New York, on the St. Lawrence River, bordering Canada. 

  1. Saratoga State
  2. Shiloh County
  3. Fort Shannon
    1. Points of Interest
    2. Parks
    3. Neighborhoods
    4. Zoning
    5. People of Interest
    6. Events of Note
    7. Emergency Agencies serving this area
  4. Delmore
    1. Points of Interest
    2. Parks
    3. Neighborhoods
    4. Zoning
    5. People of Interest
    6. Events of Note
    7. Emergency Agencies serving this area
  5. Oxnard
    1. Points of Interest
    2. Parks
    3. Neighborhoods
    4. Zoning
    5. People of Interest
    6. Events of Note
    7. Emergency Agencies serving this area
  6. Arcadia
    1. Points of Interest
    2. Parks
    3. Neighborhoods
    4. Zoning
    5. People of Interest
    6. Events of Note
    7. Emergency Agencies serving this area
  7. Clinton
    1. Points of Interest
    2. Parks
    3. Neighborhoods
    4. Zoning
    5. People of Interest
    6. Events of Note
    7. Emergency Agencies serving this area
  8. Kimberley
    1. Points of Interest
    2. Parks
    3. Neighborhoods
    4. Zoning
    5. People of Interest
    6. Events of Note
    7. Emergency Agencies serving this area
  9. Crescent Falls
    1. Points of Interest
    2. Parks
    3. Neighborhoods
    4. Zoning
    5. People of Interest
    6. Events of Note
    7. Emergency Agencies serving this area
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1. Saratoga State

Saratoga State borders Vermont, New York, and Canada. History on the lore of Saratoga and Shiloh County can be found in the staff blog Shiloh County Lore.





Population Density



Aside from Shiloh County, there are Other Counties in Saratoga:

Tompkins County

Home to Ralton, Formerly home to the GM factory, After production of the Astro van stopped in 2005 the plant was declared obsolete. Thousands lost their jobs and crime and drug use has been on the rise since then. In recent years there has been an increase in niche manufacturing.

Known Cities or Towns

  • Ralton

Concord County

The wine from Concord County is nationally known to be the worst wine in the country.  However Concord County gets by from it's production of other grape based products.  The apples that come from this county are not bad either.

Faust County

Faust county is home to the states mining industry although a shadow of its former self due to increased conservation measures. The state board of environmental conservation has taken major initiatives to restore the natural beauty in the eastern part of Pondarosa Pines state park. The Town of Lavender Lake in the south eastern part of the county is home to the annual Garnet festival

Known Cities or towns

  • Pondarosa Pines
  • Lavander Lake

Wakefield County

Corn and milk are the main exports of Wakefield County which is known for it's vast amount of farms within it's borders.  Wakefield also takes it's sports very seriously and college scouts come all over the nation to check out the county's high school players.

Alpine County

Located in the beautiful Adirondacks Alpine County is home to Jefferson Lake. Jefferson lake is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the region, In the summer months families flock to the lake from all around the state. While the northern rim of the lake is home to Baldwin a small community mainly consisting of yearlong residents and is known for its food and local crafts scene

Known Cities or Towns

  • Jefferson Lake
  • Baldwin

Olso County

North county

Yorkshire County

Home to the capital of Saratoga, Selkirk. Selkirk is home to the NFL team the Selkirk Wolves. Selkirk is the largest city in the state. In the eastern part of the county theres the nationally recognized Silverleaf University, In Vorheesville

Known Cities or Towns

  • Selkirik
  • Vorheesville
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2. Shiloh County

Shiloh County is a northern county in Saratoga, with an estimated population of about 500,000 residents, between 8 cities and towns. The county is approximately 30 miles long by 110 miles wide. Within Shiloh County, is Ponderosa Pines State Park, Arcadia Bay and the base of Essex Mountain. The county is administered in Fort Shannon North.  


Scrollable Map!

Shiloh County.png

Population Density

Shiloh County Population Density.png

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