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Office of the Commissioner

W. Burke

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"It's open" I call out, assuming this is Rogers. In he walks in a suit. Thank god.

"Deputy, take a seat. I'm sure you can imagine why you're here. I need to have a conversation about what happened today and why you're not going to jail."



Commissioner William Burke
Unit 50-12
Chief Director of Emergency Management, Shiloh County Emergency Response Team
Badge 0801

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"Deputy, take a seat. I'm sure you can imagine why you're here. I need to have a conversation about what happened today and why you're not going to jail."

*Closing the door behind me and sitting down i look confused at the Commissioner's comment about not going to jail*

'Sir, I'm not going to Jail the IA guy seemed pretty gung ho about making sure i was fired and left to rot in jail'


Deputy James Rogers
Unit 209

Shiloh County Sheriff's Department
Badge 2011


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Listening to the kid, he's obviously confused, he doesn't know if he is or isn't going to jail. Either that or planning to go on the lam. Either way, that's not happening. 

"Alright, so I'm going to let you in on a little secret. The public safety world, the laws of the land, they all matter, absolutely, but so does politics. And you're a politically valuable asset. We've got two deputies ready to fire into the sun after this clusterfuck that came up today. I spoke with Captain Russo, the Sheriff Wohl and the head of the PSB, Captain Jacques and we're all in agreement. This needs to have never happened. 

"Now, unless you're holding out, we don't have a time machine. And honestly, if it wasn't for your background, you'd be on your own in this. We wouldn't be talking at all, but there were discussions, and you were the specific center of them. 

"You're a bright kid, you'd think at least. Young, one of the youngest to make SWAT, a survivor from the Shiloh Six, probably the only deputy with less than 5 years service and more than one ribbon to show for it. And earned ribbons no less, not I've been there ribbons. You have the potential to be an asset to the department and the county. And speaking with Sheriff Wohl, you're sitting in a giant hole that makes you a liability right now. 

"Hypothetically PSB brings charges against you for reckless endangerment or any slew of offenses, the sheriff fires you and you go to jail. That's going to garner a hell of a lot of media attention and look terrible on your superiors. We've got your training officer, who I understand you shot at, your lieutenant, captain, the captain of SOD, hell, all the way up to the sheriff who are all going to come under a microscope. The public is going to want to know why we all made these bad judgement calls and nearly lost one of our own. And I don't know if you saw the other deputy that you shot at, but she's young and pretty. And at the end of the day, the media will paint you as an attempted murderer and her as the pretty young victim. 

"See, in this situation, you're screwed. And the other deputy that shot with you is facing the same fate. But politics matters. Optics Matter. Myself, Captains Jacques and Russo and Sheriff Wohl met today, not long ago, and we're in agreement. After this meeting today, if you agree to play along, the PSB Sergeant will file his report recommending administrative sanctions against you, and to a lesser extent the other deputy involved. These sanctions will result in your removal from the SWAT team, and a restriction placed on firearms for the remainder of the year for you. You'll maintain your sidearm and tazer, but will not be issued a patrol rifle until the year has ended and you've requalified in the classroom and the range. 

"The media release will state that after an investigation, it was determined that your conduct was justified in the moment, however ultimately caused unnecessary danger and the deputies involved have been administratively suspended for a short period. The PSB will not file criminal charges against either of you and you can keep your badge. 

"Peter, Sheriff Wohl, he's become a good friend of mine. He's a young guy, I'm sure you know. Practically took every single rank he ever got as the youngest. You understand how bad it would look for another golden boy, following in his footsteps to end up in prison." 

I let that sink in for a moment before continuing, "Don't think you're getting off scott free. While nothing in formal writing will ever be made of this conversation, or the ones leading up to it, your record will reflect the agreed punishment, and more importantly, the eyes of management will be on you. You succeeded very well in the first part of your career. I don't know what went wrong, but it's time to get things back on track. If it wasn't for your foundations you built with the success you had earlier, there'd be nothing left of your career, but you're getting a second chance. Don't fuck it up. This is your one chance to ask any questions. After you leave this room, this discussion never happened, and everyone involved will deny it. This is completely to be kept secret and never see the light of day. So ask now, or forever  hold your peace."



Commissioner William Burke
Unit 50-12
Chief Director of Emergency Management, Shiloh County Emergency Response Team
Badge 0801

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"Don't think you're getting off scott free. While nothing in formal writing will ever be made of this conversation, or the ones leading up to it, your record will reflect the agreed punishment, and more importantly, the eyes of management will be on you. You succeeded very well in the first part of your career. I don't know what went wrong, but it's time to get things back on track. If it wasn't for your foundations you built with the success you had earlier, there'd be nothing left of your career, but you're getting a second chance. Don't fuck it up. This is your one chance to ask any questions. After you leave this room, this discussion never happened, and everyone involved will deny it. This is completely to be kept secret and never see the light of day. So ask now, or forever  hold your peace."

*Listening to everything the Commissioner just told me i take a second to process before speaking*

'Commissioner, There is no excuse for what happened today in the moment what i did i thought was right, It was a very Chaotic scene and we had an armed Individual reversing a car at us i reacted as such, But now that i've had time to process and think about what happened you are correct i could've killed someone to day and i feel terrible for what i did, But at the same time I'll Be forever grateful for what you guys are doing to help me here and i'll do whatever i have to be a better deputy and to better serve the communities we took the oath to protect'

*Taking a breath i continue* 

'I'm more then okay with loosing SWAT and if you guys don't mind i would like to recommend Deputy John Allen, He was also at that shooting and was the first deputy to locate the vehicle and handled the stress and situation better then i've ever seen. but that is all i have to say Sir and again thank you guys for giving me a second chance i won't let you down this time' 


Deputy James Rogers
Unit 209

Shiloh County Sheriff's Department
Badge 2011


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'I'm more then okay with loosing SWAT and if you guys don't mind i would like to recommend Deputy John Allen, He was also at that shooting and was the first deputy to locate the vehicle and handled the stress and situation better then i've ever seen. but that is all i have to say Sir and again thank you guys for giving me a second chance i won't let you down this time' 

"We'll see. For now I want you to understand what is going to be happening, why it's happening and the fact you wasted 8 or you 9 lives today. Don't let it happen again."

I stand, signalling it's his time to get out of the office, and nod.



Commissioner William Burke
Unit 50-12
Chief Director of Emergency Management, Shiloh County Emergency Response Team
Badge 0801

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