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Patrol - March 2020


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*With no street lights nearby the only light around me is the cabin lights in 203. Parked in an empty KFC parking lot in south Fort Shannon I keep my eye on traffic while working on reports. Thanks to it being quiet I have gotten a lot done since I got here so feeling like taking a break I pull out my phone.  Opening up the camera mode on my phone, I raise it up until it touches the car's ceiling and adjust my hair a bit.  The lighting isn't bad so I give a small smile and look directly into the camera on my phone as I snap a few pictures.  Closing the app I then open up the gallery and take a look at the photos I took.   Not bad, not bad at all, I'll upload them to Instagram later.  Setting down the phone I turn off 203's cabins lights and start watching the street.  The quietness is kind of boring.*

Coporal Evelyn Hawke
Unit 215

Shiloh County Sheriff Department
Badge 1504

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  • 2 weeks later...

* after i leave the warrent service  i realize ive still got a buncha time still on shift to kill and while i should probably do my report on it all itll only kill about  20 minutes maybe a half hour so i opt to break my normal routine sense getting my dog and opt to run every plate i come across hoping ill get lucky for something, nothing like traffic stuff to kill time*

Edited by Vanguard


Sergeant Jason Paterson, K9 Unit
Unit 230

Shiloh County Sheriff Department
Badge 1337

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*Getting into the patrol car, I turn the key.*

'Alright, normally you do checks before you leave. I did it on this car when I started. We're good.'

*He nods and I shift to drive.*

"ERT, 208 on air. Any active areas you want covered?"


Corporal Jerry Wagner
Unit 204

Shiloh County Sheriff Department 
Badge 2005


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*Hears over radio "10-4 211, 10-4 203. Showing units on scene." and i look at Wagner*

"what they are on scene of sir??.. Do you think we should back them up" 

*Radio Traffic goes dead other then traffic from a structure fire*


Deputy James Rogers
Unit 209

Shiloh County Sheriff's Department
Badge 2011


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"what they are on scene of sir??.. Do you think we should back them up" 

'Let's take a look' I say, keying the MDT to life.

'Alright, let's see. Right here is the active incident tab. We've got a structure fire, a burglary, looks like 203 is at that burglary. And..' *I say as I key through the system, opening the incident* 'It's in Arcadia. That puts it a little far out from us. And it's not showing a backup request right now either. The MDT keeps everything updated, but the radio is the main dispatching tool. If you don't hear it on air, we likely don't need to be there. Look' I say, turning the screen towards him. 'There's another 8 incidents up, none currently pending and none marked as in need.'

"208, ERT. Go to Northern Fort Shannon. We need coverage up that way."

"10-4 ERT, Northern Fort Shannon."

'Alright, so up we go now. Let's keep an eye out for anyone out of place, or any tags. You familiar with our radar system?'

*while I wait for him to answer, I put the car into traffic and start making my way to our zone.*


Corporal Jerry Wagner
Unit 204

Shiloh County Sheriff Department 
Badge 2005


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*While Eyeing the MDT*

"I'm somewhat familiar with the radar system but would like to get some experience with it.. I hope we get good traffic stop"

*goes back to scanning passing traffic for infractions* 


Deputy James Rogers
Unit 209

Shiloh County Sheriff's Department
Badge 2011


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'Well, we'll see what's happening. Personally I hope to spend the entire shift sat down in the car doing nothing, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.'

*Finally reaching the boundaries of what we can call North Fort Shannon, I decide it's good to drive around for a little before giving the kid a chance to play with the LIDAR gun, see if he can hit us some speeders. There's a couple good spots I know to track.*

'Fresh out of the academy?'


Corporal Jerry Wagner
Unit 204

Shiloh County Sheriff Department 
Badge 2005


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*after getting behind a 2003 black Ford f-150 Plate X45CV7*

"I'm going to run this guys plate he's been drifting a bit let me type in in the MDT"

*Flips Computer around to me and types in X45CV7 into NICIC.... And it comes back Clean and clear no Warrants* 

"hes clean and clear he might must be a tired or something your call if you wanna stop him" 


Deputy James Rogers
Unit 209

Shiloh County Sheriff's Department
Badge 2011


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*Driving along the road, there's a black pickup, he's drifting a bit, but nothing too concerning. I continue with my conversation, waiting to see if he's fresh out of the academy.*

'I'm going to run this guys plates, he's been drifting a bit, let me type it in the MDT.'

*As the kid grabs the MDT and spins it to him, he anxiously searches it up. Oh boy. I can't ever imagine grabbing the computer from my FTO, but I guess, new generation.*

'hes clean and clear he might must be a tired or something your call if you wanna stop him'

*My call? Well, I am driving the car. Definitely all my call.*

'Yeah, let's ride him for a little bit, see what he drives like. We pull him over now, we've got nothing to write a ticket on. Rule #4, patience. If we light him up now, all we're going to get is a little chat. It's not a major danger, let's ride it out.'


Corporal Jerry Wagner
Unit 204

Shiloh County Sheriff Department 
Badge 2005


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*looks up at Wagner*

"Yea i've only been outta the academy for two days.. but have around law enforcement my entire life my father was a cop back home in New hampshire so i grew up around the Manchester Police department and go to a bunch of events with the police department... after dad got injured tho it just drove my will to be a officer more and after moving out to Oxnard i figured it was time to Make the jump and soo here i am"

*looks back at the Truck in front of us*

"Ooh fyi you can call my sticks if you want too" 


*Watches as the truck turns aggressively on to Bay Street* 

*starts thinking that's odd for someone that's clean and clear*

"why did he turn so aggressive" 



Deputy James Rogers
Unit 209

Shiloh County Sheriff's Department
Badge 2011


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*Sticks. Oh boy. I'm not letting him pick his own nickname. Not to me. I always firmly believed in the have your nickname picked mantra, but that's me.*

'Why did he turn so aggressive?'

'People see the white car with the lightbar and they do stupid things.'

*I turn the wheel and round the corner with the car we're following. Strike two, I really don't want the paperwork of a traffic ticket. He gets three blocks to behave.*

'Alright, we'll see if he can behave for the next couple of blocks before we do anything. Let's just keep calm and follow him.'


Corporal Jerry Wagner
Unit 204

Shiloh County Sheriff Department 
Badge 2005


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*looks at Wager* 

'Sir if we stop him can i take lead on it so i can get some experience on a traffic stop... they never really taught us much in the academy about traffic stops other then to angle the car and too stand a bit behind the window you walk up too'

*watches has the Vehicle struggles to stay in their lane almost hitting a parked car*

'god damn this guy has to park jesus he cant drive for shit' *Chuckles* '


Deputy James Rogers
Unit 209

Shiloh County Sheriff's Department
Badge 2011


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'Sir if we stop him can i take lead on it so i can get some experience on a traffic stop... they never really taught us much in the academy about traffic stops other then to angle the car and too stand a bit behind the window you walk up too'

'I'm gonna give a hard pass on that. Traffic stops are the most dangerous thing you can do. I'm going to take the lead because you're saying you never practised it and you're not really sure what to do. I'll take the lead and you can come up on the passenger side and listen.'

*I see the disappointment in his face until he sees the driver almost sideswipe a car.* 

'god damn this guy has to park jesus he cant drive for shit' 

'Interesting choice of language. Got that out of your system before I key the mic up?'

*He nods silently.*

'Quick. Where are we?'


Corporal Jerry Wagner
Unit 204

Shiloh County Sheriff Department 
Badge 2005


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*Okay, he can find an address quick. Good.*

'Rule 2, ALWAYS know exactly where you are located.'

*I look over and he's undoing his seatbelt. I reach over, grab the clip and push it back in.*

'Rule 7. Seatbelts. Always. My lights aren't on, you planning to tuck and roll?'

"ERT, 208, I'm going to be on a traffic stop at Bay Street and North 3rd."

*As I wait for acknowledgement from the ERT, I slide my hand to the position switch and turn the lights fully on. A flick of manual with my thumb activates the siren and I see brake lights. As the vehicle pulls over, I park behind him, blocking a path for myself to approach the vehicle. As I go into park, the probie unbuckles again. I reach over and plug the clicker back in.*

'What's rule 4?'

'Um, '

'Patience. You should write these down. Take a breath and count to 5. I need some coffee before I go up.'

*I reach to the cupholder and pull out my cold coffee. Black, so it doesn't curdle. I take a nice long drag off it.*


Corporal Jerry Wagner
Unit 204

Shiloh County Sheriff Department 
Badge 2005


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*looks at car well waiting for a response from ERT and counting to five like Wagner told me too*
'1000.... 2000..... 3000.... 4000... 5000....1000.... 2000..... 3000.... 4000... 5000...."

"10-4 208 out on a traffic stop Bay Street and North 3rd Street do you need back up"

I really hope nothing bad happens on this traffic stop its only my first day on the road*


Deputy James Rogers
Unit 209

Shiloh County Sheriff's Department
Badge 2011


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*After the 5 seconds, I wait 5 more, just for badness before undoing my seat belt. When I do so, I get out slowly.*

"We should have this. Thanks ERT" I transmit. It's a traffic stop, not a bank robbery, we're good.

*As we walk up to the window, I play cool and I can see Rogers playing... cool? I don't know. He's clearly excited for the stop. Thankfully it's just the driver in the car, so he won't do any talking, just watching. I never liked new people jumping right into it on their first shift. Ease into it, this isn't Rookie Blue.*

'G'evening. Do you know why I stopped you this evening?'

*Behind the wheel is a woman, easily in her 70s, if not more.*

'I don't know why I got in Jimmy's truck. This thing is just too big for me to drive!'

'Alright, is Jimmy your son?'

'Gosh darnit, yes. I'm so embarrassed that you pulled me over. I just wanted to bring it back in one piece. He's only. Wait, where are we?'

*I look up to the probie, he answers with a smile.*

'Bay Street and North 3rd Street'

'That's it. He's, right there. I can see his house!... Oh God! He's gonna see I got pulled over!'

'That's alright. Can I see your licence and the registration and insurance for the vehicle.'

*She nods and passes me the items from the glove box, then digs for her ID in her wallet. It only takes a few minutes to find. That's not long at all. God, why do old women put so much crap in their purses.*

'Alright, myself and my partner are gonna go back to the car, check this out. We won't be long.'

*I walk back to the patrol car, hoping the Rogers is following me.*


Corporal Jerry Wagner
Unit 204

Shiloh County Sheriff Department 
Badge 2005


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*has i start too follow Wagner back to the Patrol Car*

'Sir she said her son lives right up the road correct?!?.. do we wanna maybe wanna get her son for her so she doesn't have to worry about wrecking his truck"

*i look back at the truck seeing the woman throwing trash around in the truck trying to put stuff back in her purse"

"well at least it wasn't a drunk driver" 



Deputy James Rogers
Unit 209

Shiloh County Sheriff's Department
Badge 2011


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*I type the information into the computer as Rivers gets in the car. It's... Jeremy? Definitely Jeremy. Maybe.*

'Alright Jeremy, she's all clean. We're about 5 houses down the street, honestly, she can't do a lot of damage in five houses from a stop. And if we go knock on the door, that's a big problem for me, because I've gotta explain it to their son, probably get involved in the family drama, and quite frankly, nanny doesn't need me to beat her son tonight.'

*It's definitely not Jeremy. Shit.*

'Well at least it wasn't a drunk driver?'

'Never that lucky. Imagine, you get a drunk person, belligerent, and at the end, they vomit in your car and you have to clean it up. We couldn't be so lucky if we tried. She's clean. Let's go.'

*I get out of the car, and hear Jeremy, definitely not Jeremy say something. I look over with a what in the hell look in hopes he'll repeat. Or something.*

'Rule 6, don't look so excited. Or they'll make you a poster.'



Corporal Jerry Wagner
Unit 204

Shiloh County Sheriff Department 
Badge 2005


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*i see Wagner looking at me with a confused look*

'Did i say something i shouldn't have Sir..." *i calm myself down has we approach the vehicle*

*Has Wagner Approaches the drivers side window he says*

'Here's your info back Ma'am your getting a written warning today *hands copy of warning* Be safe heading home Ma'am'

"have a good day ma'am.... *has me and Wagner head back to the vehicle i look at him*... She was nice Eh sir most people back home would've cussed us out for stopping them its nice to find someone that was nice' 


Deputy James Rogers
Unit 209

Shiloh County Sheriff's Department
Badge 2011


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*Once I pull out of the lot at the station, I head out towards one of the areas I know pretty well. If I remember correctly, we've been having "safety concerns" with speeding out on route 22 over in Essex. On the way out there, one of the cars I'm behind stops for mere milliseconds, barely enough time to see there's no traffic coming before she makes a left. Luckily there's no traffic, given the time of day but that's definitely complacent driving, if not careless. I flip on my lights and the siren for a second and she pulls off in a parking lot - I prefer that, it's safer to be off the road.*

Sergeant Allison Devito
Unit 220
Shiloh County Sheriff Department
Badge 1825

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*I unbuckle my seatbelt and turn to Jack before I get out.*

'Have you ever written a ticket?'

*If he hasn't I want to see how he handles it - a good variety of things to do before I let him loose on the streets without an FTO.*

Sergeant Allison Devito
Unit 220
Shiloh County Sheriff Department
Badge 1825

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'Alright since there's two of us, we're going to do something that I don't get a chance to do much. I'm going to have you cover me while I interact with this person. Your job is to watch me and be security for me. If anything happens, you use whatever force you need to to deal with it. You're going to follow me but not stand right on top of me - I'd suggest offsetting the corner of the vehicle so you're visible in their mirror and it's clear you're there but we're not overwhelming them with a show of force.'

*With that I step out of my explorer and head over towards the car, knocking on the window.*

'Good afternoon ma'am, I'm Deputy DeVito. Do you know why I pulled you over?'

*She's buzzing with frantic energy and I can hear kids screaming and fighting in the back of her car. God I hate kids like that*

Sergeant Allison Devito
Unit 220
Shiloh County Sheriff Department
Badge 1825

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